/* PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO 反对 一 切 現代性に対して - 風想像力: FACING THE 4 WINDS

PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO 反对 一 切 現代性に対して - 風想像力

LES PRIVILÉGES DE SISYPHE - SISYPHUS'PRIVILEGES - LOS PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO - 風想像力 CONTRA CONTRE AGAINST MODERNISM Gegen Modernität CONTRA LA MODERNITÁ E FALSO CAVIARE SAIAM DA AUTOESTRADA FLY WITH WHOMEVER YOU CAN SORTEZ DE LA QUEUE Contra Tudo : De la Musique Avant Toute Chose: le Retour de la Poèsie comme Seule Connaissance ou La Solitude Extréme du Dandy Ibérique - Ensaios de uma Altermodernidade すべてに対して



Where Will Our Children Live...

A lonesome warrior stands in fear of what the future brings,
he will never hear the beating drums or the songs his brothers sing.

Our many nations once stood tall and ranged from shore to shore
but most are gone and few remain and the buffalo roam no more.

We shared our food and our land and gave with open hearts,
We wanted peace and love and hope, but all were torn apart.

All this was taken because we did not know what the white man
had in store,
They killed our people and raped our lands and the buffalo roam
no more.

But those of us who still remain hold our heads up high, and
the spirits of the elders flow through us as if they never died.

Our dreams will live on forever and our nations will be reborn,
our bone and beads and feathers all will be proudly worn.

If you listen close you will hear the drums and songs upon
the winds, and in the distance you will see....the buffalo roam

Tommy Flamewalker Manasco