/* PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO 反对 一 切 現代性に対して - 風想像力

PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO 反对 一 切 現代性に対して - 風想像力

LES PRIVILÉGES DE SISYPHE - SISYPHUS'PRIVILEGES - LOS PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO - 風想像力 CONTRA CONTRE AGAINST MODERNISM Gegen Modernität CONTRA LA MODERNITÁ E FALSO CAVIARE SAIAM DA AUTOESTRADA FLY WITH WHOMEVER YOU CAN SORTEZ DE LA QUEUE Contra Tudo : De la Musique Avant Toute Chose: le Retour de la Poèsie comme Seule Connaissance ou La Solitude Extréme du Dandy Ibérique - Ensaios de uma Altermodernidade すべてに対して


Drummond reports that the 21th century Lusitanian poet Drummond, in a light-hearted defense of his famed intemperance, declared, "No bridge can give pleasure for long, nor last, that is conceived by water drinkers."

Photo a picture of myself (Lord Drummond) drinking after my daily prayer
O Lord give us our daily Tequila