/* PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO 反对 一 切 現代性に対して - 風想像力: The Old Impish Games

PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO 反对 一 切 現代性に対して - 風想像力

LES PRIVILÉGES DE SISYPHE - SISYPHUS'PRIVILEGES - LOS PRIVILÉGIOS DE SÍSIFO - 風想像力 CONTRA CONTRE AGAINST MODERNISM Gegen Modernität CONTRA LA MODERNITÁ E FALSO CAVIARE SAIAM DA AUTOESTRADA FLY WITH WHOMEVER YOU CAN SORTEZ DE LA QUEUE Contra Tudo : De la Musique Avant Toute Chose: le Retour de la Poèsie comme Seule Connaissance ou La Solitude Extréme du Dandy Ibérique - Ensaios de uma Altermodernidade すべてに対して


The Old Impish Games

The Old Impish Games

When I watched the ceremony of the official opening I was not taken aback, nor it surprised me. The Land, par excellence of the new Collective Insect, was not expected to produce something else but collective work, collective choreographies that can only mean amorphous and indistinct movement of huge masses.

The apex ot the ceremony was abusively military. Chinese soldiers in an uniform reminiscent of old soviet uniforms, marching like Nazi paratroopers carried the Olympic flag. They maneuvered automatically, as if they were devoid of brain (unnecessary in the military that can only accomplish orders). Their stiff movements made me laugh, it seemed as they were choreographed in some weird glorification of mechanization by Charlie Chaplin, of le Grand Dictateur.

The music was so New Age, so Astral, willing to determine the New Will of the Collective Republic, that it had the contrary effect, instead of sounding epic, futuristic, it sounded Deja vu OldNew.